I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 63

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◈ Episode 63 Chase of Shadow (1)

The reason why Sedina Lawshen flirted in front of Ludger was because she had something to tell him.

That was the reason why she did not leave and stood in front of the door at Ludger’s banquet, and it was fortunate for both of them.

“Looks like the lower guys did things on their own.”

“Oh that… … yes.”

Sedina tried to make an excuse at Ludger’s words, but realized that there was no need to do so and immediately nodded.

As Ludger said, it was an undeniable fact that he had done things arbitrarily.

“Exactly what happened.”

“A second order… … No, one was trying to take care of things on his own line.”

“Tell me from the beginning.”

Sedina’s delicate body trembled at Ludger’s shrill voice.

But this was not a reaction driven by fear.

it thrills.

Her pupils didn’t know that they would fall like nails on Ludger’s face staring at her intensely.

“It started with a third orderer asking for information. He was gathering information about some of the servants he dealt with while hiding in Ceorn, and he realized that one of them had contact with the source of this rumor.”

A stone that grants wishes.

If you simply heard it, you would have passed it off as a false rumor that would normally exist in the magic academy.

The Third Order listened for information, as if driven by something.

“That’s how I found out the truth. That a fairly powerful artifact is secretly kept somewhere in Ceorn.”

“And the report must have gone up.”

“yes. you’re right. The Third Order notified this to its superior, the Second Order. and… … .”

“The guy who received the report didn’t inform him of that.”

“… … yes.”

If it was a Relic-level matter, it wouldn’t be strange to inform the First Order.

However, the Second Order cut off this information from their own line and concealed what the wind was blowing.

And it did its job on its own.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t know?”

Sedina hurriedly responded to Ludger’s voice, which felt even a little angry.

“That’s me too… … .”

“Who is the Second Order?”

“This is a man named Demires.”

Rudger clicked his chin and gestured for more.

“Among the members of the Second Order, he was closely related to the Ministry of Information, and he was in charge of the work there. However, compared to his greed, his ability wasn’t that great… … .”

“What do you think is the reason that Demires did this?”

“It’s hard to judge, but maybe… … I think this time I will make a big achievement and rise to the position of the First Order.”

“The first seat?”

“yes. Zero Order, the founder of the Black Dawn, created positions for seven First Orders, and said that positions could change at any time.”

When the story of the First Order came out, Sedina got excited without realizing it.

Because the First Order is the object of her admiration, the one she looks up to.

The same goes for this man in front of me right now.

“Currently, the First Orders are firmly holding their positions, but there are also quite a few Second Orders who are eagerly seeking their positions.”


Rudger nodded, but stuck out his tongue about the system of the Black Dawn Society.

I thought they were notorious guys who simply treated traitors cruelly, but I never thought there would be such harsh rules inside.

‘Does that mean that those who are weeded out or can’t handle things properly will lose their place.’

That said, maybe the current First Orders were also the ones who had already usurped someone’s place.

However, what I am most curious about is the existence of Zero Order, the founder of this organization.

Who the hell is he to make such crazy rules?

‘I am sure that I will not be deprived of my seat.’

There must be a basis for that conviction.

And the reason for that certainty must be because he has that much faith in his own strength.

I don’t know what kind of guy it was, but the thing I had to be most careful about was Zero Order.

“So, how is the situation now?”

“This, it seems that Demires has summoned other Third Orders who agree with her opinion and committed the task. Before moving the artifact, they raided the storage area and took the item, and are currently on the run.”

“Where is the location?”

“Once the situation is a situation, I only find out the direction where they fled, and other than that… … .”

“It looks like you haven’t left Seorn.”


Rudger rubbed his chin lightly with his hand.

The fact that Sedina didn’t confirm Demires’ whereabouts until the end must have been so urgent that she had to inform them.

Considering the time the president contacted them, it is said that it is not that long ago that the incident took place.

However, seeing that the president said he needed help, he must have escaped well, perhaps because he is a member of a secret society.

“Is it playing tag?”


“no. Talk to yourself.”

“ah. yes.”

Rudger turned and looked out the window.

Now it’s time for the sun to go down and the sunset to start burning.



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Spring is not over yet, so the days are not long. The darkness of the night will cover the son-in-law early.

That would make tracking even more difficult.

The moment when the pursuer is also delayed, and the chased person breathes a sigh to some extent.

Then it was his turn to step out.

“I must move slowly.”

“that… … ! Fu, no, is the teacher moving it himself?”

“I guess so. Because we have to deal with this line before the situation escalates.”

“What can I do then?”

Sedina mustered up the courage to ask.

Rudger said that if he didn’t do anything, he felt uncomfortable.

Besides, all she’s been doing is bringing information.

You can’t say that you did something like this.



“Sedina, you have done your part enough just by telling me this.”

“Me, yo?”

He did his part well enough.

Sedina didn’t expect those words to come out of Ludger’s mouth.

No, I wondered if I had ever heard these words properly in my life.

“Is that really true?”


Rudger answered without hesitation.

“Good job.”

“… … !”

At that word, something inside Sedina stirred up.

It was the first time. to be recognized by someone.

He was always treated like trash, so he tried to run away from his family. But even where she fled, nothing greeted her.

I’ve thought many times that maybe this might be my limit.

But Rudger acknowledged that.

My eyes were red and I felt like I was about to shed tears.

But I desperately endured it.

Because he couldn’t show such an ugly face in front of the person he respected the most.


Rudger put on his long black coat, which was hung on a hanger.

“Don’t go out. Please clean up after yourself.”

“… … .”

Said as she passed Sedina, who was desperately trying to hold back her tears.

There was nothing strange about being hurt by that indifference, as if he didn’t even care about us.

Sedina did not know that it was her own consideration.

* * *

No, I said a few words, so why are you doing that?

I shook my head thinking of Sedina, who was left alone in the teachers’ office.

I just said a few words to ease my mood, but I can’t believe I’m crying alone.

Even though I don’t understand it, I thought that it was because I went through such a hard time.

He pretends to be strong, but that is just a shell to hide his weak inside.

‘Is it the Roshen family?’

I’ve heard of the Roshen family.

Recently, what to call it. It is undeniable that he is a rising power among famous and prestigious families.

However, this one also had a lot to say. It’s not well known externally, but it’s clear that he grew his family by using all sorts of dirty methods.

If I were to give a grade, it would be that of Bellbot Rickson, which I removed with my own hands a while ago.

Perhaps the head of the Roshen family was even worse than that.

‘However, it has nothing to do with me now.’

This is obviously Sedina’s personal affair.

Her hatred of her family, and her connection to Julia Plumheart.

It has absolutely nothing to do with me.

Now she serves as my teaching assistant, but in the end our relationship is just a shell.

It means I don’t have to pay close attention to it.

‘There must be other things more important than that.’

The priority is to find the stolen Relic <Almighty Stone>.

First of all, I heard the direction where the other Black Dawn guys fled, so there’s no problem in chasing them.

No matter how wide Seorn is, there is a lot of space to hide.

It’s not like I won’t be able to find it forever.

After coming out of the building, I slowly walked down the street and looked up at the sky.

time flows slowly

When the sun has completely disappeared beyond the western horizon.

The light disappears without a trace, and the coldness mixes with the blowing wind.

When the son-in-law gets dark, the cries of grass insects begin to be heard one by one.


I stopped.

I look around but see no one.

No, there were students leaving school one by one and people chatting with each other, but it would be true that no one was interested in me.

That’s because I’m already perfectly assimilated with the environment around me.

「Ater Nocturnus」

A black shadow covers my body and hides my existence from the surrounding landscape.

It is my original magic called black nocturne in Latin.

However, oddly enough, unlike its appearance, this magic is not a dark attribute elemental magic.

It’s not even the <appearance> series that I teach students.

To be precise, this is a <summon> type of magic.

<Summon> magic, one of the five classes of magic.

There are 4 specializations in this summoning magic.

[Spirit] inheriting the will of nature

[Golem] made of metal and soil

Calling and applying the will of the remnants of the soul [Principles]

And the last one is the [Magic Beast] that I am using right now.

All mages deal with mana. And this mana is a mysterious power that has not yet been properly defined.

When a person handles this mysterious power, the magic itself is affected according to the person’s inclination.

Constitution, life process, user’s wish, or hidden talent.

whatever it may be

All those elements are woven into one, and mana itself has a will and takes the form of a ‘summoned beast’.

That’s the magic number.

These magic beasts, with different shapes and abilities, are different from normal living things.

Even this magic beast that I’m using right now takes the form of a ‘clothing’ rather than a normal summoned beast.

And the role is also heterogeneous.

“let’s go.”


The shadow at the end of the coat flowed like ink dissolved in water and moved along the ground.

Eventually, a dark shadow, clearer than the darkness, spread like a carpet on the ground and made a path.

I moved along the path the guy was guiding me to.


“what’s the matter?”

“no. It feels like something just passed by.”

“I didn’t feel it. Is it a bird?”

None of the people I encountered in the dark recognized me.

not even aware of its existence.

It is one of the abilities of my magical beast, Ather Nocturnus.

Eating away the abstract power of the user’s ‘presence’. It does not simply hide it, so it shows great performance that does not take even magical search.

However, it cannot be used for long.

Because it eats up my existence, if I wear it for a long time, it will swallow up my very existence.


I took a pill out of my pocket and popped it into my mouth.

It is a guy who will not be able to use it for a long time because of its extreme consumption of fuel.

He follows my orders well, but that doesn’t mean he listens to everything I say.

They follow me because I feed them like this, otherwise they will always eat me.

‘Every single magic I use has a screw missing.’

As I came to Seorn and taught the basics, I felt that fact all the more.

However, I can’t help it, so I have no choice but to use it.

I thought so and continued to move along the darkness.

* * *


“Flora. what’s the matter?”

After finishing today’s study, Flora Lumos stopped while walking down the street with her childhood friend Cheryl.

Cheryl was puzzled by Flora’s sudden action, but Flora didn’t respond.

‘Just now, something passed by me.’

I couldn’t see it with my eyes.

I couldn’t even feel it on my skin.

If it was someone else, I would have mistaken that the wind was blowing.

But Flora didn’t.

‘It smells like me.’

Something strong scent came over me, and then I walked away from her again.

It’s not just a smell. This is definitely the smell of magic.

But it was also something I had never taken on before.

If your usual magic is something sweet and stimulating.

The smell of magic now was a bit darker and deeper, like black coffee full of flavor.

‘What is it? Magic invisible to my eyes.’

Even the fact that it passed by him.

Flora was a little proud, but curious.

‘The smell remains.’

The reverberation still lingered like a road.

‘Let’s go.’

Flora thought that far and immediately moved into action.

“Flora? Flora!”

Cheryl Wagner called Flora anxious for her strange behavior.

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