I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 65

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◈ Episode 65 Witch’s Trap (1)

I’ve actually seen a relic, and I have a piece of that relic.

I can’t say that all relics are the same, but I do understand why they are called ‘relics’.

So I can be sure

This <Almighty Stone> is absolutely not a Relic.

‘The president told me that the almighty stone was stolen.’

And the stone was called Relic.

However, this almighty stone I actually saw was not the Relic I knew. This is just a stone that contains ignorant magical power.

At that moment, I had no choice but to assume the worst.


And at the same time, an eerie sensation ran down my spine.

The Forest of Silence does not live up to its name, and countless vengeful spirits and evil thoughts roam and cry.

Occasionally, mutated beasts, or witch beasts, roam around.

But at what point?

All sounds were cut off.

True to its name, the Forest of Silence.

‘The surroundings have become quiet.’

I looked up at the sky.

Above the dense gray coniferous forest.

Beneath the sky that is hidden by the clouds in the night sky and cannot be seen properly.

something floated

It was far away, but I saw it clearly.

And even to the point where it gradually gains strength and light.

“… … !”

I hurriedly aroused my magic.

At the same time, I summoned the magic beast “Ater Nocturnus” that had been canceled and quickly wrapped it around my body.


A black cloth-like shadow wrapped around me like a mummy. My body, covered in shadows, dug into the ground like a swamp.

at the same time.

A star fell from the sky.

* * *


A white, dazzling explosion occurred in the center of the Silent Forest.

The pure white light that burns the darkness spreads in the form of a huge dome and engulfs a corner of the forest.

A huge storm raged, and shards of twigs and stones flew in all directions.

The white dome, which spread as if it would swallow the entire forest of silence, eventually stopped its explosive expansion and slowly disappeared.


In the place where the light disappeared, nothing remained.

The trees that formed the forest of silence, the thoughts that floated in the air, and the magical beasts that were eroded by the energy of the forest.

For they, too, had withdrawn in fear and awe of a being.

“End with this.”

The clouds lifted and moonlight fell from the sky.

In the moonlight, her pure white hair shimmered softly.

Chancellor Elisa Willow.

She descended from the sky and landed in the center of the ruins she had created.

A terrifying scenery that looks as if a star has fallen from the sky.

In the place where everything had disappeared, only one remained as long as it maintained its shape.

“I took the fake almighty stone.”

The principal murmured and looked around. At the same time, he lightly sprayed his mana, but nothing got caught.

The c*ckroaches hiding in Seorn were all dealt with in one blow.

It was all thanks to the ‘bait’, which has the name of an almighty stone.

‘I wanted to take something bigger, but I can’t hope for that.’

The general shook his head lightly from side to side.

She didn’t want to stay here for long. Thanks to the high-level magic I used a while ago, the surroundings became quiet for now, but this Silent Forest will fill these ruins with its own space again.

‘I want to completely erase this forest itself.’

No matter how high-ranking a mage she is, she is not to the point of destroying this forest alone.

However, if you enter the Silent Forest with your incompetent skills, you will be driven mad by the magic of the forest.

It’s annoying, but I have to let it go.

‘I’ll just have to pretend that I’ve handled it appropriately to others.’

Elisha deliberately asked for help from another teacher to handle this matter in secret.

Rudger Chelsea was a prime example of this.

I asked him for help because he seemed competent, but he still had unresolved doubts.

Maybe Rudger was in this place, that kind of thought.

‘Indeed, what would have happened.’

This magic she used is not easily blocked even by mages of the same rank.

Moreover, since it was an attack close to surprise, it was all the more difficult to avoid it.

Even a wizard cannot escape death if swept away by it.

If Rudgar had been here, he would have died too.



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‘I hope he doesn’t.’

It was a personal impression.

At least I hope that a man of that caliber is not a traitor to Seorn.

Elisha thought so, took the ‘bait’ and flew up into the sky again.

* * *

‘Honestly, I’m surprised.’

Rudger, who saw the president leaving from a distance, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

‘I never thought the president would have stepped forward. Even if it was a little late to respond, it could have been a big problem.’

The magic used by the chancellor. An explosion of light as if a meteorite had fallen.

As if a missile had exploded, the scene that blew away a corner of the forest made my skin feel chills even though it was far away.

Is that the magic that the 6th tier magicians show off?

Rudger couldn’t believe that he had been there just a moment ago.

It was thanks to the [Ater Nocturnus] he used that he managed to escape.

‘It’s good that you set the coordinates in advance.’

Space movement magic does not exist in this world.

No, it would be correct to say that there is no magic that actually exists but is known ‘externally’.

That is why the students were surprised by the coordinate designation technique Ludger showed in the middle of the lecture.

It is astonishing to them that magic manifests beyond space.

Even magic is like this, but it is impossible with common sense for the magician using magic to move in space.

In fantasy novels that often existed in previous lives, there are magics such as ‘Blink’ and ‘Teleport’.

There is no such magic in this world.

But Rudger used it.

The method is simple. It was because of the peculiarity of the magic water he used.

The Magic Beast itself is both a summoned beast and magic at the same time.

Unlike most summoned beasts, Ludger’s is a garment, and maintains the form worn around Ludger’s body.

If this “Ater Nocturnus” is moved using the coordinate designation formula, Ludger himself is also a mechanism that moves with it.

You need to know how to use coordinate designation techniques, and thanks to the uniqueness of Ater Nocturnus, that was possible.

In other words, this is a unique spatial movement that only Rudger can use.

‘It’s dizzy.’

With a slightly trembling hand, Rudger took a pill out of his inner pocket and popped it into his mouth.

Only then did the trembling of the body subside as pure magic power was supplied to the brain.

The downside of this magic is that the number of uses is extremely limited.

In addition to the extreme consumption of magical power, the body attracted by magic jumps over space, causing extreme motion sickness and pain.

Even a knight with a well-trained body would faint.

At least, thanks to the medium of shadow, there were few aftereffects.

‘Rather than that, the president is stepping out. I didn’t expect it to move this far.’

Rudger suddenly remembered that the president had asked him for help.

‘No way, are you aiming for this?’

I thought that far and then shook my head.

Then there was no reason to use such a cumbersome method.

The fact that he said he was going to leave it to other teachers on the surface, but he himself came forward, that’s why he had the intention of handling this matter in secret.

The only thing Rudger overlooked was that he contacted the enemy too quickly, more than the chancellor had thought.

Elisa, the president, was planning to take care of things on her own line and inform Rudger and others about the facts later.

He wouldn’t have thought that he would find his enemies first in this silent forest before he did.

‘Besides, even that almighty stone was nothing more than a fake. After all, this is because he is the head of Ceorn. I can’t be careless.’

Even teachers belonging to Seorn hide the truth for efficient work.

Rudger shuddered slightly.

It was once again imprinted in my mind that she was an extraordinary human being.

‘I’ll have to be more careful not to get caught.’

Either you get caught by the president that you’re a fake, or you get caught by the Black Dawn.

Because if either of them got caught, nothing good would come of it.

In particular, I realized clearly when I saw the blow the president gave me a while ago.

That person must be careful.

‘The only benefit I could get was an almighty stone, but even that was fake.’

In a way, it was only a loss.

Rudger didn’t regret it.

‘Traces, left.’

The almighty stone that Demires stole was not a real Relic, but a fake carefully crafted by the president.

However, it was not possible to assert that the almighty stone did not exist with that alone.

When the president called him out and told him about it, Rudger didn’t find it strange at all.

‘There’s no way that Demires and the other members of the Dawn were playing around like that, just for fakes. There must have been a real thing that they couldn’t help but be attracted to.’

When the real one was about to be discovered, the president put up a fake one and wiped them all out.

That means that the real thing still remains.

‘Since I left my mark on the fake, the president will surely go to check the real thing. All I have to do is remember the marks left on the fake.’

So, Ludger was right before the chancellor’s attack fell.

He carved a trace of himself that even she wouldn’t notice.

The fake itself radiated so powerful magic that even the president didn’t notice.

‘I move according to the appropriate timing.’

That moment when I think about getting out of this silent forest.


The sound of stepping on tree branches echoed behind me.


“… … .”

Rudger slowly looked back.

Flora Lumos stood there, staring at me with trembling eyes.

‘Did I see it?’

Rudger didn’t question why Flora was here.

First of all, only the fact that she encountered him in this silent forest was the only thing that mattered.

Rudgar clenched and opened his fists so that she could not be seen.

what to do here

He thought about destroying the evidence right away, but thinking that it went too far, Rudger opened his mouth.

“Flora Lumos. Why are you here now?”

“yes yes? Oh no. that’s it… … .”

Flora Lumos couldn’t answer why she had come to this silent forest.

that’s what it is

‘How can I say that I followed it because I had a good smell that I smelled for the first time!’

Rudger Celisi even reached the end of that smell.

Doesn’t it sound like a pervert when you say this?

“Aren’t you going to answer me?”

“That, that… … Why are you here, teacher?”

In the end, all Flora could say was this.

Rudger let out a small sigh at her bewildered response.

Seeing that he didn’t take it seriously, I didn’t think I’d seen him in the dark.

Even so, there must have been people guarding it outside, but did it come in by chance on a different road?

“Flora Lumos. This forest is dangerous for a student like you. Go back.”

“… … Aren’t I that weak?”

The Silent Forest is a dangerous place. Especially for students.

However, for a student like Flora, it was enough to survive in the Silent Forest.

In particular, because she had a special constitution called ‘magical synesthesia’, if the magic of the forest was dangerous, she could move away from it.

Flora wanted to ask since she came all the way here.

Are you sure it was you who came all the way here while hiding your face using magic?

If so, what is that magic?

Flora, who was about to ask, found Rudger holding a medicine bottle in one hand.

“teacher. What is that?”

“… … It is nothing.”

Rudger said that and put the medicine bottle in his hand into his pocket.

Flora stared at Ludger suspiciously.

I followed the smell and came into the forest, but out of nowhere, a big light flashed in the distance.

I came all the way here following the smell, but isn’t Rudgar there?

“I am… … .”

“Flora! Where the hell are you! Hehe!”

At that moment, the sobbing voice of Cheryl Wagner, who had followed her from afar, rang out.

Flora and Rudger kept their mouths shut at the same time.

“Flora! I’m scared! Where the hell did you go!”

“… … ha.”

Rudger sighed and moved on.

“Follow me. I will help you get out of this forest safely with your lost friend.”

“… … .”

Flora also quietly followed Ludger because she gave up asking questions in this situation where the atmosphere was broken.

Ludger, who lightly rescued Cheryl, who was tormented by grudges, took the two of them out of the forest.

Just in time, the guards who were exploring the outside of the forest found the three and approached and asked what was going on.

“Students went into the woods and got lost. That is the way to bring them out.”

Rudger replied that it was no big deal to them.

The chasing units stationed near the forest were in the process of dispersing according to the order of the general.

Cheryl kept crying and saying ‘I’m sorry~’, but Flora didn’t.

‘Why was Mr. Rudger in that forest?’

And what kind of magic was he using?

Looking at Ludger’s back, Flora couldn’t erase her suspicious gaze.

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