Return of the Iron-blood Sword Hound Chapter 345

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Episode 345: Balak (3)

The jungle on the 11th floor was a terrible environment, reminiscent of flood damage in the Red and Black Mountains.

Venomous scarabs, bone-sucking mosquitoes, vines armed with thorns like canines, fruits heavy like maces, narrow and deep cliffs cleverly covered with rotten leaves, etc… …

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been impossible to survive even half a day, let alone get through this forest.

Besides, it is now a night of terribly thick darkness.

It was an ambitious time when even the shipowners who originally resided in this forest did not wander around recklessly.



Bikir moved freely as if this forest were her own bedroom.

They carried Cerberus’ hair against the wind to block the approach of other beasts, found a cliff hidden in fallen leaves and crossed it, and cut the air sac of a moderately grown daylily to exhale gas to drive away poisonous insects.

The cobwebs spewed by the young madam from her left hand connected the cliffs she had to climb over for hours with ease.

All these things were done with skill and familiarity, as if they had been repeating this kind of life for decades.

Of course, Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, and Bianca, who followed Bikir, had no choice but to stick out their tongues.

“This surprises me more than when I found out that Bikir is a night hound. How do you move so well?”

“I don’t think even Basilios, the mercenary king of the north, could do this… … ”

“Bi, Bikir is a night hound? No, what do you mean by that again?”

“When I saw you earlier, you were wearing a night hound mask. I’ll ask later what happened.”

Meanwhile, Bikir was recalling memories.

‘It reminds me of the past.’

Two memories come to mind.

The era of destruction before the return.

Not only swordsmanship, but also herbal gathering, reconnaissance, search, stealth, ambush, assassination, medicine, treatment, cooking, etc.

And another memory is the two years spent in the sea of ​​red and black mountains.

… Spot!

Bikir cut a rotten log in half and passed through it.

The gradientr’s aura, which vibrates and rotates at super-high speed at the tip of the sword, cuts everything in an instant.

And Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, and Bianca who saw that power were shocked once again.

“Rain, Bikir. What level are you?”

“oh my god! How much did you raise your stats?”

“Could it be that you’ve been strong since you were outside the tower?”

“… … He’s a really secretive guy.”

at that time.

… stop!

Bikir, who was walking ahead, stopped.

After examining footprints in the mud on the floor, Bikir checked the direction of the wind, then lowered himself and circled behind the bushes.

It is to hide the body odor.

A faint streak of light is visible beyond the thick darkness.

I could see dozens of people gathered around a small bonfire.


Tudor grinded his teeth small.

“It’s those guys. shipowners. The guys who stole our food.”

The challengers to the tower who came to this floor before Tudor, Sancho, Piggy, and Bianca.

They were all middle-aged warriors with strong physiques.

Mud was smeared on the face, and the body was covered with animal skins and leaves.

The body covered with copper-colored muscles was tattooed with intricate patterns, but strangely, the concentration of the tattoo was quite pale and blurry.

Beside him, Tudor whispered in a low voice.

“They lay down something like dry straw near the campsite. If you step on it, it makes a loud noise and breaks.”

“Know. Let’s get rid of the dead and approach them.”

Bikir cautiously approached, avoiding the dead people who had fallen to the floor.

By crawling slowly, moving only a few meters an hour, Bikir was able to get close to the food thieves.

… Quick!

Bikir, who had trampled all the bushes and bushes, appeared right in front of the bonfire.

“Give me the food.”

The assailants are startled by the appearance of Bikir, who has approached this far without a sound or sign, grabbing a bow and arrow next to him.


An arrow flew right in.

Each of the attackers was shooting arrows with familiar body movements, as if they were masters of bows.

And Bikir, who saw the flying arrow, was convinced.

‘These are Balak’s warriors.’

Before entering the tower, they had already heard the story of their mysterious disappearance through Sindi Wendy’s report.

I was worried about where they would be, but I never thought they would be trapped in the Maw of Amdusias.

‘Still, I’m glad they’re still alive.’

Bikir thought the problem would be surprisingly easy to solve.

Before long, Bikir removed the mask covering his face, revealing a tattoo on his shoulder.

It was a tattoo that meant Balak’s hunting grounds.

“Stop it. grow.”

Balak, no, the warriors of the native tribes in the Red and Black Mountains could not have known Bikir.

Wasn’t Bikir a hero who saved all the tribes from not only the terrifying plague of the Red Death, but also from a massive deluge?


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… … but.

Things were taking an unexpected turn.

“… … What is that guy?”

“Why does he have a tattoo of a hunting ground?”

“Who knows him?”

“I don’t know. Knock it down at once!”

Balak’s warriors did not seem to know Vikir at all.

They were quite old enough, and judging from the tattoos on their shoulders, their archery skills, the black ash powder that painted their faces, and the language they spoke, they were definitely Balak’s warriors.

But for some reason, they couldn’t remember Bikir at all.


Bikire had to take a few steps back to avoid the arrows that were fired in earnest.

‘Warriors of this age don’t know me?’

Bikir drew his sword with some doubts.

“Don’t you know?”

The Baskerville style of swordsmanship unfolded.

It was something that Balak’s warriors, who had spent their entire lives fighting against the Baskervilles, would not know.


“This guy uses strange swordsmanship!”

“omg!? A tooth-shaped slash?”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen anything like that!”

“Don’t fight! Fight at a distance!”

Balak’s warriors still did not recognize Vikir.

It’s just strangely flustered.

‘I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my memory. Is something strange?’

Bikir frowned.

Clearly, the warriors of Balak were right in front of me.

But for some reason, they were acting as if they didn’t remember any memories with Bikir.

This is despite the fact that there was no sign of having been subjected to mental magic.

Bikir said as if there was nothing special.

“If I forgot, I will have to remind you again. How I, who was a foreign slave, became your hunting ground.”

At the same time, Bikir took out an item.

It was the only hidden piece that Vikir, who had received all the rewards in candy, said he didn’t need any items until now.

-<Weighing Scale of Forced Equality> / Scale / S

The values ​​of other stats change according to the value of the highest stat among one’s own stats.

The values ​​of all stats increase gradually and slowly according to the value of the highest stat, and this change continues until all stat values ​​are the same.

Vikir opened the status window with the golden scale in her hand.


-LV: 1 (%)

-Titles: ‘Worm Rat Hunter’, ‘Hell’s Vendor’, ‘Daylily Lumberjack’, ‘Demon Executioner’, ‘King Assassin of the Black Sea’, ‘Dragon Man’s Enemy’ (NEW)


↳Strength: 798

↳ Agility: 92

↳Health: 100

↳Physical Resistance: 1

↳ Magic Resistance: 1

↳Reflexes: 1

Strength, agility, and stamina, the three basic stats that Bondi Bikir had, were originally set at 300 each. A total of 900 was set.

But now, the sum of Vikir’s three major stats is 990.

It was also in a state of being almost completely powerless.

This is because Bikir exchanged the stats he had acquired so far in the previous floor, ‘Paradise Lost’, for candy, then absorbed them and redistributed them.

<Here is the largest candy shop in the tower>

<Challengers can exchange their items for candy here>

<Candies that have already been eaten and become stats can also be turned into candy by regurgitating them, especially for residents of this floor!>

<If you vomit up the candy you ate before entering this floor, you will receive 1 additional candy for every 10 candies!>

Bikir didn’t plan to use the shop, but once he changed his stats to candy, he was given 1 extra candy for every 10.

And he ate it again.

‘… … It’s like taking only the bait from the traps set by the demons.’

If Amdusias and the fairies under him noticed this fact, they would probably jump up and gnash their teeth.

Bikir received the most red candy, the most common candy, according to the probability.

Green candies that increase agility and blue candies that increase stamina rarely came out, but for Vikir, this actually made things better.

It was because Bikir possessed the ‘weighing weight of forced equality’ mentioned earlier.

The balance weight of forcible equality is an item that gradually increases all stat values ​​according to the highest stat value, and is a fixed-term item that disappears when all stat values ​​become the same.

‘It was an item I obtained to raise the 3 special stats by one more, not the 3 basic stats… … .’

Because the speed at which the stats rise by this balance weight is extremely slow, there are not many cases where the challenger will benefit from this item.

This is because in order to use this item 120%, it is necessary to spend a very long time inside the tower, so that all youth will pass away.

It’s only after I become an old man that I have to become strong, so what’s the point?

… … but.

“Good thing. Time flows like a stream in this forest.”

Bikir was getting older by the minute.

Hair grows at a rapid rate, and bones and muscles become thicker.

His voice grew thicker and the lines on his face began to darken.

And naturally, the stats that Bikir had also began to change.


[The item ‘Weighing Scale of Forcible Equality’ begins forcing the balance of stats!]

[‘Strength’ stat and other stats are out of balance!]

[The values ​​of other stats are forcibly adjusted to match the value of ‘798’ of the ‘Strength’ stat!]

[The ‘Agility’ stat increases from ’92’ to ’93’!]

[This change will last until the value of the ‘Agility’ stat reaches ‘798’!]

[The ‘Stamina’ stat increases by ‘1’ from ‘100’ and becomes ‘101’!]

[This change will last until the value of the ‘Stamina’ stat reaches ‘798’!]

[The ‘Physical Resistance’ stat increases from ‘1’ to ‘1’ and becomes ‘2’!]

[This change will continue until the value of the ‘Physical Resistance’ stat reaches ‘798’!]

[The ‘Magical Resistance’ stat increases from ‘1’ to ‘1’ and becomes ‘2’!]

[This change will continue until the value of the ‘Magical Resistance’ stat reaches ‘798’!]

[The ‘Reflexes’ stat increases from ‘1’ to ‘1’ and becomes ‘2’!]

[This change will last until the value of the ‘Reflexes’ stat reaches ‘798’!]

[The ‘Agility’ stat increases from ’93’ to ’94’… … ]

[The ‘Stamina’ stat increased by ‘1’ from ‘101’ to ‘102’… … ]

[The ‘Physical Resistance’ stat increases from ‘2’ to ‘1’ to ‘3’… … ]

[The ‘Magical Resistance’ stat has risen from ‘2’ to ‘1’… … ]

[‘Reflexes’ stat increased from ‘2’ to ‘1’… … ]



The highest stat, strength, is 798.

And all six stats that Bikir bloomed were rising by 1 to match this 798 figure.

<The 11th floor of the basement. ‘The River of Excellence’>

The waves of time that flow like flowing water.

That was entirely on the side of Bikir.

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