The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 70

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“No, I’m not going that way.”


While everyone was puzzled, even Tyla, Reppenhardt snapped his fingers and continued.

“There is a shortcut. “It’ll only take one more day, so cheer up everyone.”

☆ ☆ ☆

No longer following Tila’s lead, Reppenhardt took the lead and led the group as he pleased. He was attacked about five or six more times, and somehow managed to defeat the monsters and move up the valley. After a day like that, the group arrived at the bottom of a large cliff. Reppenhardt said, pointing to a cave at the bottom of the cliff.

“Okay, everyone has arrived.”

It was a cave that, no matter how you looked at it, did not appear to have been created naturally. The walls are smooth and have an exact diamond shape, and there are even traces of something being hung on the ceiling. Even so, you would be a fool not to guess the identity of this place.

Russ muttered, looking inside the cave.

“It’s a relic from the Silver Age.”

“Yes, it is Ruins Daiman.”

Surprised, Siris looked up at Reppenhardt. She had felt for a long time that this ‘unusual owner’ was different from other ruin explorers. Does it seem as if she knows everything and explores the ruins? Usually, to find a ruin, you have to collect and combine all kinds of information and search around to find the location. But Reppenhardt didn’t get lost at all in getting here. He ran in a straight line, convinced that there were ruins here.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Siris quietly asked a question.

“How on earth did you know about this place, Leffenhardt?”

Looking closely, it seemed like Tilla didn’t know anything about this place. In that case, she probably didn’t get the information from the dwarves. So where on earth did Leffenhardt get this information?

“Oh, I just picked up some information.”

But Leffenhardt didn’t seem to have any intention of telling her the truth. This time, as always, she only vaguely spoke.

I’m a little nervous. No, you usually confuse people by showering them with so much kindness, but you never tell them something important at times like this?

‘I don’t know… … .’

I don’t know.

What is this person thinking?

Even though he is so sweet, why does he never show his true feelings and keeps something to himself?

Siris opened her eyes wide and glared at Reppenhardt. Leffenhardt tilts his head and smiles. What on earth is so good?

I really don’t know.

‘What on earth does this person think of me?’

and… … .

‘What on earth do I think of this person? … .’

☆ ☆ ☆

Standing at the entrance to the ruins, Russ drew his sword.

“I will take the lead. “Brother, please provide the rearguard.”

When exploring ruins, it is common sense that the strongest people stand at the front and rear. It was only natural that Russ, who was to enter the ruins from now on, would say something like that.

But Reppenhardt scratched his cheek.

“No, I understand your motivation, but… … .”

Reppenhardt goes to the wall at the entrance to the ruins and touches something. Then the wall moved, revealing a passage.

“The place we’re going to is not inside the ruins, but on the outskirts, right?”

Russ asked in astonishment.

“Well, what did you do?”

Everyone looked at Reppenhardt in confusion. Well, I expected this kind of reaction. Leffenhardt calmly made up the story as he had prepared it in advance.

“When my master was young, he also explored this place. They said they weren’t able to explore everything, but they still knew about various ruins. That’s why I heard it. “There is a passage like this here.”

Then everyone seemed to understand. King Gerard was once a renowned ruin explorer. It is quite natural that such a person would tell his only disciple about the ruins he had explored.

‘From now on, whenever I pretend to know something at the ruins, I can just use the excuse of Master.’

Of course, Siris was still puzzled.

‘Is this just a story you heard? I knew it all too well for something like that, didn’t I? As if someone had been there once… … .’

However, Reppenhardt did not notice the change in Siris’ complexion. He gestured to the group, pointing to the passageway outside of Daiman.

“Now, it’s not very safe here either, so don’t relax for now. “Then let’s go in.”

The group carefully entered the passage. Like Eleusion, various monsters appeared in the secret passage, but their level was not even as good as the monsters encountered in the Setelad Mountains. They were not opponents of those who had two Auror users.

I had walked down there for about half a day, defeating the monsters without any problems.

At the end of the passage, a large hall emerged. Faint light leaked from here and there on the ceiling, barely illuminating the interior. It was a place with numerous pillars lined up, but unusually, the top of the pillar was separated from the ceiling. This means that it is not a pillar built to support the ceiling.

Cilan asked, looking around.

“Is this Grand Forge?”

Tila shook her head.

“No, this place is completely different from what I heard about.”

Everyone was in a panic. Reppenhardt walked to one of the pillars without hesitation. Looking at the pillar with the ancient word “Hokhrill” written on it, he looked impressed for a moment, and then immediately loaded the Aurors and took power!


The pillar collapsed in one blow. Everyone was surprised and ran to him.

“Well, what is it? older brother?”

“What is it, Mr. Leffen? Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

Everyone was so perplexed. At that moment, Silan opened his eyes wide.


Faint light leaks from the collapsed pillar. It was time for everyone to open their eyes wide. Suddenly a blinding light enveloped them.



Everyone screamed and took a defensive stance. The light instantly covered the entire area and soon disappeared. Teela muttered, blinking her eyes.

“What is it, what on earth have you done…” … .”

For a moment, Tila was speechless. The appearance everywhere had changed. The place where they were standing was no longer a large hall.

It was a huge cavity, a large space that seemed to be at least 50 meters high. The floor was nicely made of high-quality granite bricks, and a large temple was visible in front of me.

Huge pillars support the four sides, and in between them stand all kinds of stone statues, showing off their majestic appearance. They looked like dwarf warriors holding hammers and axes. It was so delicate that even though it was a stone statue over 5 meters tall, it was full of life, as if the beard was really fluttering.

Tila looked at the huge flame symbol engraved in the center of the temple and looked at him in amazement.


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“This is Al Port’s temple… … “Is this really Grand Forge?”

I felt like I finally understood it now. Among the relics of the Shang Dynasty, there were some that sometimes had the function of distorting space and connecting two distant points. Perhaps the light coming from that collapsed pillar had that kind of power. Russ muttered in awe.

“It is indeed the Silver Age… … Traveling a distance of over 15 days in an instant… … .”

Everyone was curious and looked around. The place where the party was standing was the western ruins of the temple. No, it didn’t actually look like a ruin. Although it was completely destroyed, dust was still rising in various places, stones were falling here and there, and the collapsed cross sections were clearly visible. No matter how you look at it, it seems that it has not been long since it collapsed.

Silan suddenly frowned.

“Hey, Mr. Leffen… … .”

“huh? why?”

“This wasn’t broken because of us, right?”

“Is that correct?”

“yes? “Is it okay to do something like this?”

Silan was shocked and glared at Reppenhardt. Reppenhardt laughed and waved his hand.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s all in the trust anyway… … .”

For a moment, Repenhardt’s expression hardened.

‘what? wait?’

Now he has come here to Grand Forge just as he remembered from his previous life. Of course, in his past life, there were no problems with that. Even if you destroy a lot of temples, Alport will give you the oracle on his own.

But now? Now Alport’s oracle has completely changed. Now that I think about it, there is no way the dwarves would understand this situation!

Sure enough, a loud cry of anger was heard from afar.

“The temple has collapsed!”

“It’s an intruder!”

“Everyone, repel the intruders!”

Everyone looked at Reppenhardt with one mind. Leppenhardt laughed awkwardly, breaking into a cold sweat.

“Ahaha, hahahaha… … .”

Volume 4

Chapter 11 Grand Forge


Loud footsteps were echoing from all directions in the passageway connected to the cavity. Siris, Silan, and Tila can only hear sounds, but Repenhardt and Russ, who handle the Aurors, can clearly recognize the opponents’ positions and numbers. Approximately fifty Dwarves were narrowing the siege at a rapid pace. Each of them is a pillar, hiding behind the wall and spreading out their dark vitriol.

As soon as the siege was established, one of the dwarves let out a loud voice.

“Everyone start shooting!”

As soon as the words were out, dozens of arrows came flying towards the group. Everyone became thoughtful and hid behind the collapsed ruins of the temple. Cilan grumbled, lowering his head.

“Ah, the dwarves are impatient… … .”

Even if they were intruders, would you have thought they would just shoot an arrow without saying anything?

“Usually in cases like this, there is a conversation to look forward to, right? Who is it, don’t move, etc… … “Why do people try to kill you as soon as they see you?”

Tingting~ Tangtang~.

The arrowhead hits the stone wall and makes a clear sound. Still, in return for siding with the dwarves, Repenhardt pouted as he swatted away the incoming arrow.

“Would you be able to afford to talk to an intruder who completely destroyed your house?”

“So, did a man who knew this well do such a crazy thing?”

“… … If you say that, there’s nothing more to say. hmm.”

Feeling embarrassed, Repenhardt continued to hit the flying arrows. When arrow attacks did not work, the dwarves appeared one by one. Each of them was well armed with axes, hammers, swords, etc. He glares at his companions with clear hostility and murderous intent.

In fact, dwarves are not very warlike. However, the dwarves here are now living away from the eyes of humans, and when they are discovered, it is impossible to keep them alive. Moreover, what Reppenhardt and his party have now destroyed is the temple of Al Port, the god of the dwarves. There was no way he would look kindly at the group that appeared after breaking it.

Repenhardt and Silan looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

“Tsk, aren’t everyone’s eyes funny?”

“Iknow, right. “It’s like the gaze of a father who discovers a man who broke in by breaking his daughter’s bedroom window in the middle of the night.”

“… … “It’s a subtly plausible analogy.”

Russ’ expression hardened and he raised his sword. he shouted, looking down at her dwarves.

“How dare these little creatures try to harm humans!”

The dwarves’ expressions became even colder. He was clearly angry at Russ’s arrogant words. Russ snorted and increased his strength.

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